Friday, July 13, 2012

Update in a Nutshell


Long time, no see! It has been over a year since I've even read any of these posts. If you read the other posts below, everything involved a part of my personal journey with poker and its influence on my life. Right now, I have not been playing poker, but I am still very much living it.

In a nutshell, I am now married and have a step-daughter, I finally graduated from Rutgers and am considering going back for my Masters, and I am completely happy. All of this is not without hardship, of course. And by me saying that, it means that I know there will be plenty more upsets to come in my future. Therefore, I rely on my poker-inspired game plan, which is to maintain the strength and perserverance to make the right decisions even after facing upsetting results. I have learned how to make the tough gambles with careful consideration and feel free knowing I can live with the choices I have made.

I won't write about all my up-and-downs in this post. But just to give you an idea, imagine what it's like to almost be kicked out of school, to get to the 3rd round of interviewing for a real career and not get a call back from the employer, and to not have my expectations met by my wife, lose control, and never know when the word "divorce" is going to come up again during any given week. All these big, mutha-load, steaming pile of sh!ts with the sense of bewilderment beyond any of my control. But I tell you what... I have been trying to let go of my emotions, my expectations, and my attachments, and so far I feel okay. If things don't work out for me, I can feel okay knowing that I did work hard and try to be a better person and that these things I went through will help me on my next journey within this lifelong journey.

"If you've ever been to a place you think you don't know how to get out of, stay in that place, get comfortable, and just know it will probably be the last, most comfortable place you've ever stayed in"
--Andrew, Live Today: Poker Journals